
Le MOD Camouflage Unique remplace les camouflages d'origine du jeu par ceux-ci.
Je ne montre que le Type 5, mais tous les Croiseurs  possèdent le type 1, le type 2 et le type 5.
Les Destroyers  possèdent type 1 et type 5.

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

What is special about the Budy one? I mean, why that design on that specific ship?

Wawan a dit…

It's a normal bonus type 5 camouflage in game. But this camouflage is made like a Premium camouflage. It's not a repetitive texture, but like a skin. So, it's possible to write soviet slogan. This camouflage become more visually advanced. I call it "Camo Special 5".
I made another ships like it :

Unknown a dit…

Wawan - awesome cammos, if I may request a small favor from you...
Do you or can you make the Budyonny Type 5 special cammo into a skin for that ship. I often hide the cammo and use just moded skins on them and that particular cammo rocks! Would like it as the ship skin no matter what cammo I place on it for battle. Thanks either way - Great work

Wawan a dit…

Hi !!

Sorry but Skin and Camouflage are not the same technique. It's possible to transform a skin into a camouflage. But it's very hard to transform a camouflage into skin.